Mission Theology

Showing 21 - 40 of 67 Articles | Page 2 of 4

"The Church as a Mission - Part 5: The Eucharist as Derivative"

July 29, 2019


"The Church as a Mission - Part 4: The Sacrament of Offering"

July 29, 2019


"The Church as a Mission - Part 3: The Liturgy after the Liturgy"

July 29, 2019


"The Church as a Mission - Part 2: The Making of the Church"

July 29, 2019


"The Church as a Mission - Part 1: Introduction"

July 25, 2019


The Mission-Oriented Parish A Perspective from the Orthodox Church in America

July 20, 2019


For the Life of the World. Ye are Witnesses.

July 20, 2019


"Eucharist as the Actualization of Divine Forgiveness?"

June 11, 2019


"Sharing the Good News in a Multi-Religious Country"

June 09, 2019


"God Spoke: On Divine Thought In Human Language"

December 28, 2018


"Evangelism: Who's Responsibility is it?"

December 28, 2018


"On the Theological Possibility of Orthodox/Evangelical Cooperation in Mission"

December 27, 2018


"Missiology's Place in the Academy"

December 27, 2018


"A Sacramental Vision of Mission"

December 27, 2018


"On Speaking the Truth"

December 27, 2018


"Time, Technology, and the Happening Reflections on the Implications of the Nature of the Divine Liturgy"

December 27, 2018


"Being the Church"

December 27, 2018


"The Mission of the Church?"

December 27, 2018


"Contextualization of the Gospel?"

December 27, 2018


"Discipleship and Christian Formation"

December 27, 2018


Showing 21 - 40 of 67 Articles | Page 2 of 4