HCHC Missions Week 2022


An annual highlight of the fall semester is Missions Week, co-sponsored by the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity at HCHC and the student-run Missions Committee. Typically, invited missionaries from around the globe spend a week on campus interacting with students and speaking about their work both formally and informally. The week is capped by the annual EFOM (Endowment Fund for Orthodox Missions) MISSIONS LECTURE. This year the focus will be on "Our Call to Missions: 14 Years as a Missionary"

The year's Missions Week will run from October 24-28, with the EFOM Missions Lecture offered Thursday October 27 at 7:00pm in Maliotis Cultural Center at HCHC. Pamela Anastasia Barksdale, a graduate from Holy Cross, has served as an OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center) missionary for the past 14 years in Albania. 

The Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity, directed by Fr. Luke Veronis, who teaches at both Hellenic College and Holy Cross, promotes a vibrant missionary consciousness among students and seminarians in the United States. The Institute helps future Church leaders understand the centrality of missions, evangelism, and outreach, with the objective of inspiring students to participate in and to develop such ministries in their future pastoral work.