HCHC Spring Break Trip to Project Mexico 2016

For many college students, Spring Break is a time to relax, rest, be renewed, and even have some fun. For numerous Hellenic College Holy Cross students, though, it’s a time for putting their faith into action. Thirty-two HCHC students will be traveling around the world on a variety of short-term mission trips during Spring Break, and 14 HCHC alumni will be leading these trips! This is by far the greatest number of HCHC students and alumni/ae ever to participate in such Spring Break mission trips.

Twenty-one students will travel with Project Mexico to build a home for a needy family in Tijuana, while also spending time at the St. Innocent Orphanage. HCHC’s Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity worked in conjunction with three HCHC graduates, Presvytera Merilynn Andruchow and Zach and Sophia Swanson, among others at Project Mexico, to organize this group. Four students will be traveling with the OCMC into Kenya’s bush country to share their faith with Turkana tribespeople who have never heard of Jesus Christ. They will be led by OCMC Executive Director and Holy Cross alumnus Fr. Martin Ritsi. And then there are seven HCHC students, among dozens of other Orthodox college students participating in OCF’s Real Break trips to Guatemala, Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Jerusalem, and New Orleans.

These groups will be led by ten HCHC graduates and will be offering outreach and mission. They will be working at an orphanage in Guatemala, building a home with IOCC in New Orleans, encouraging persecuted Christians in Palestine and Israel, and supporting the Patriarchate in Constantinople.