Mission Institute News

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HCHC Missions Week 2022

August 20, 2022
An annual highlight of the fall semester is Missions Week, where typically, invited missionaries from around the globe spend a week on campus interacting with students and speaking about their work both formally and informally. This year Pamela Anastasia Barksdale will share with us her experiences as a missionary to Albania for the past 14 years. Our call to Missions - what are the blessings, joys, challenges and struggles one faces as a cross-cultural missionary?


St. Peter Orphanage & School in Africa - Growing Success

January 30, 2021
St. Peter Orphanage and School self-sustainability projects and child feeding program are proving successful. See the Orthodox Africa news tab for the full article. 


New Church Construction in Guatemala

January 30, 2021
The spiritual direction taken by these humble and “rebellious” folk cost them dearly. The flames of persecution, fanned by their former co-religionists, gave rise to hateful accusations of not belonging to a real church, just another cult, of being false prophets and followers of the Antichrist. Confusion ensued and many left the movement, leaving only 12 families, with no place to meet.


Difficulties of COVID for the Haitian Orthodox Mission

January 30, 2021
Their schools have been dosed on and off throughout the spring. As a result of economic difficulties around the world, Haiti suffers more acutely as they depend upon us for much of their schooling and church needs. Travel to the country has become quite difficult as there is an enforced fourteen-day quarantine required for all visitors and then a quarantine on your way back to the United States, specifically if you are going to New York.


Mission Week 2019 - October 21st to 25th

July 20, 2019
During the annual Hellenic College Holy Cross Mission Week, which will occur on October 21st to the 25th, His Emmience Innocentios Byakatonda of the Metropolitan and the Diocese of Burundi and Rwanda will bless HCHC with his presence. Futher, on October 24th, he will share his vision and experience on missions.


Spring Break - Kenya Mission Trip 2019

December 29, 2018
For many college students, Spring Break is a time to relax, rest, be renewed, and even have some fun. For numerous Hellenic College Holy Cross students, though, it's a time for putting their faith into action. Ten HCHC students will be traveling to Kenya to help built a Church at an orphanage.


HCHC Spring Break Trip to Project Mexico

December 29, 2018
Ten students will travel with Project Mexico to build a a home for a poor family.


The Manuel Family - Serving in Guatemala

September 04, 2018
They have just begun raising support for their mission and hope to depart for the field at the end of the Summer 2018. They will mostly be visiting parishes in and around Virginia, North Carolina and in the Mid-Atlantic region. To contact them and to see where they will be visiting, email them at manuelfamily@ocmc.org. Please consider becoming a part of their mission team by supporting them with your prayers and your monthly donations.


OCMC's 300th Team Ventures to a New Field

September 04, 2018
OCMC's 300th Mission Team was also a first for the Mission Center. A group of volunteers served in Jamaica ministering to youth, teaching the faith, and even offering demonstrations on iconography in a country were the Orthodox Church is just beginning to emerge


19th All-American Council

August 13, 2018
An affirmation of missions was a major theme of this year's All-American Council which was punctuated by the commissioning of the Moore Family who are exploring long-term missionary service in South Korea.


OCMC Mission Team Teaches the Orthodox Faith in Bali, Indonesia

June 23, 2018
The 2018 OCMC Mission Team to Indonesia taught the Faith in Bali before spending time at the St. Thomas Orthodox Home for Children in the town of Singaraja where they spent time with the kids doing crafts and activities.


Summer Missions Course and Practicum in Albania

March 31, 2016
Applications accepted for "The Missiology of Archbishop Anastasios" mission class and practicum to Albania


His Eminence Metropolitan Konstantinos of Singapore visits HCHC

March 29, 2016
His Eminence Metropolitan Konstantinos of Singapore visits Hellenic College Holy Cross


HCHC Spring Break Trip to Project Mexico 2016

March 01, 2016
Twenty-one students will travel with Project Mexico to build a home for a needy family in Tijuana, while also spending time at the St. Innocent Orphanage.


Video from Speaking to Secular America Conference Now Available

November 25, 2015
Video is now available from all speakers and presentations from the Speaking to Secular America Conference from October 28-30, 2015.


Father Luke Interviewed about "Speaking to Secular America"

September 16, 2015
Father Luke Veronis speaks to our current cultural context, the work of the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity, Orthodox missiology, and the issues that will be taken up at the upcoming conference on "Speaking to Secular America."


Speaking to Secular America Info and Registration

June 23, 2015
The Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity will host a conference on "Speaking to Secular America: How the Church is Reaching Out to the Non-Religious in our Society" at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Click for more information and to register!


Showing 1 - 17 of 17 Articles | Page 1 of 1